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Browse our products, add them to your cart and get your quote instantly! You can create as many shopping carts as you want, make changes to your carts and get quotes from them. Your quotes get saved automatically and you can view them again and resend them to your email. We will also send you a shipping estimate within 24 to 48 business hours, along with a financing application and a calculator tool that you can use as needed.


In order to always better meet your needs, we offer you an alternative for the financing of your equipment purchases. Everything is made possible through agreements with several financial institutions, through our specialized representative. Lease financing allows your business to better balance your income and expenses by allowing you to pay for the equipment while you use it to generate revenue, or to protect your profits. Accessible for all your industrial projects, lease financing is a very popular financing method for equipment acquisition. Refunds are spread over several months, and are considered an expense from a fiscal perspective. Lease financing is very simple, you choose your equipment and our specialist will contact you the same day or the next business day. In less than 24 hours, follow-up will be done and the final response will be issued shortly. For more details, please contact us.



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